From One Womans Point of View

Insanity is all around us. Poverty, War, Violence, Arguments, Greed, Abuse, Pain, Suffering, Crime, Injustice, Indifference, Intolerance, Hate .... it's Time for me to speak out blogging. You never know what you may find here.



Sunday, January 27, 2008


Are you a member of ?
You should be - those not a member I have something interesting for you: My Stats!
This is a picture of my stats after being a member for only 5 hours.

5 hours after becoming a member my totals are:
87 offsite clicks
153 page views
38 readers

This is just a Heads-Up for those not familiar with Entrecard. I highly recommend joining! And don't forget to drop your card for me... I'll return the favor.

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Laice said...

Hey :) Joined around 12 lunchtime in the UK! and half an hour late got about 30+ hits already :) Sure works, and most of the blogs are really great out there!

Garg Unzola said...

That's very good!
Thank for your comment on my blog.
Hope you make millions with yours.

The Necro Files